How to use materials
1. Watch the videos together

 Watch both videos together. The animated video gives an over view of the bible story and the video with Zane and Pastor Ryan talk about the themes or concepts.

2. Read the bible verse aloud and discuss the questions

If you have good readers, have them read the verse, otherwise read it slowly and let everyone listen.

3. Download the activities

There are activities that go along with the lesson that can enrich the devotional time with God.

4. Use the TAKEAWAY

The "takeaway" is a great tool to help you help your little-one understand. You know best how to get the important stuff across to your children of any age group.

May 9: Gideon and God's Glory

Judges 6-7
May 9th: Gideon and God’s Glory

Lesson takeaway: Our weakness show God’s glory.

 There are things that we are all naturally good at. There are things that we are not good at doing. Sometimes, there are things that we are down right bad at. Those things that we are bad at doing we avoid. For some it may be a subject in school, or maybe a sport, or talking in front of others. When we have to do the things we are not good at it can be stressful or scary.  

  In our bible story Gideon was a general of an army. The army was very big and when they went to fight the enemy they would have won very easily.  That win would have made Gideon look like a great general. Now, Gideon was a great general but he was an even more faithful follower of God. So, when God told him to send most of his army home, he did it. Gideon knew that he didn’t have enough men to win the war, but he did have something better: God. God made it so that the Israelites, lead by Gideon, would win the war. Because they were so out numbered everyone knew that in order to when it would take a miracle. Because they won everyone could see God’s glory. The miraculous win showed God’s ability and willingness to help.

In our life we are called upon to do thing that might not be our strength. In fact, it can be that we are called upon to do things that are our weakness. But rather that run away, or say “I can’t do it” we can ask God to be with us and let His greatness be seen in our commitment.

If you watch the video you can see a perfect example of this. Zane fell! He wanted to come around and say how God can use even mistakes and less than perfect people, and you know what happened -oops. But rather than take it out or reshoot the lesson we left it in. Its funny. And it shows that it’s not about Zane or Pastor Ryan, its about God. God doesn’t ask us to be perfect He asks us to be faithful.

Some questions to discuss and learn about our faith with our little ones:

  • (pro tip) These questions aren't just for the children; sharing is always valuable.
  • You may have to adapt for your child(ren)'s age group. The goal is to share your faith.


 1. What are some of your weaknesses?

2. Do you think that you could ever read the bible verse for worship? How about preach a sermon? Would you be scared that you might get it wrong?

3. God’s plan can scary. Especially if we don’t know what the plan is. What are some was we can continue to be faithful even if we are scarred? (worship, pray, talk to other Christians…)

4.  What about Gideon’s story makes you more confident that you can be faithful to God’s plan?


Dear Jesus, help us use our gift and talents to help you even when we think we can’t, so that the world might see your glory and not our greatness. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


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Past Sunday School At Home Lessons