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  Coffee with God? Larry Kradle met his wife in the army and was married 49 years until she passed away.  He was raised a Lutheran, baptized and confirmed, but fell away from the church and was not a participating Lutheran.  The death of his wife left him feeling lost!  After the funeral and everyone had gone back to their families and lives, he was incredibly lonely.  Something happened and it just popped into his head to go to church.  Larry believes it was the Holy Spirit that moved him to come to Crossroad.  He was greeted by two of the finest gentlemen he has ever known that remain his best friends to this day.  In July of 2018, they took him under their wings and made him feel at home.  A week later, he was asked if he minded helping out with something simple like ushering. It felt good to be involved and so he joined a small group bible study.  He began devotionals at home that evolved into what he calls “coffee with God” for 60-90 minutes every morning.     Larry since has started the coffee ministry at Crossroad.  He and a team of church people order, package and sell coffee purchased through the Lutheran World Organization who owns coffee fields in Africa and Latin American countries. This organization pays fair wages to the pickers and also teach them entrepreneurial skills.  As another way to give back to his church, Larry is part of the hospitality committee. He and others serve coffee before and after services. In addition, Larry writes questions in chalk on our entry sidewalk to create conversation as people enter our church and changes our street marquee signage to catch the attention of cars passing by on Rt 220.     God has given to Larry a way to feel good about himself and others by being involved with a church that cares about its members and our community.  In addition to giving his time and talents, Larry has been motivated to provide financial assistance to our church by providing funds for Crossroad’s maintenance and many endeavors.  He is proud of our church and grateful for what it has meant in his life to be part of our congregation.